🇬🇧🥶 SYNONYMS FOR: COLDDDDDD 🥶🇬🇧 Hi guys! How are you all feeling? It's getting pretty cold these days and most of my Speaking Club students talk about how mightily cold it is where they're from. So, here are some COLD SYNONYMS with examples to enrich your juicy vocabulary: ✅CHILLY (unpleasantly cold.) 👉🏻 It's going to be quite CHILLY tonight so make sure you dress up your chihuahua in its dining jacket or it'll freeze to death. ✅FREEZING (extremely cold. Simple one; we know this) 👉🏻 Even when it's FREEZING, like -20, English ladies will still queue up outside a bar in miniskirts and high heels... and freeze to death. ✅ICY (most often collocates with: wind/morning/evening/roads) 👉🏻 There's an ICY wind outside so wear a warm hat to protect your bald head! ✅WINTRY (characteristic of winter; quite formal, literary) 👉🏻 When driving from Moscow to Vladivostok at this time of year, you'll drive through a never ending WINTRY landscape. ✅CRISP (cool, fresh, and invigorating; commonly used) 👉🏻 It was a CRISP November morning, the sun was shining in a clear blue sky... so I stayed in bed and ate Pringles. ✅FROSTY (very cold, with frost forming on surfaces; very common) 👉🏻 It was a cold and FROSTY morning in January, maybe -3... or so I thought it was until I went outside and it was -40... where I froze to death. ✅PIERCING (making you feel very cold; often collocates with: wind) 👉🏻 I was ice-fishing on an open lake. There was a PIERCING wind that found its way down my jacket and froze my back! ✅NIPPY (=chilly; informal, very common) 👉🏻 It was a bit NIPPY last night walking back from the metro. My teeth felt cold! ✅BITING (so cold it may cause some pain) 👉🏻 As we trekked across Siberia, there was a BITING wind that gave me frostbite and froze two of my colleagues. ✅BITTER weather / BITTERLY cold (very cold; very common) 👉🏻 Put your hat and gloves on since it'll be BITTERLY cold tomorrow night! ✅IT'S BRASS MONKEYS OUTSIDE (UK slang = very cold) 👉🏻 It's BRASS MONKEYS outside so you might want to dress sensibly! Ah sorry, forgot, you're English and are going to a bar! Fair enough! There are a few more but I've chosen the most common ones. 😎

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